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Kayu Kufi 3D UMP berinovasi tinggi jadi tarikan

Seni kaligrafi Islam atau lebih dikenali sebagai seni khat merupakan khazanah tertua yang masih dimiliki oleh umat Islam dan berkembang di pelosok dunia selari dengan perkembangan Islam. Menyedari nilai seni kaligrafi Islam perlu diperluaskan dan dimartabatkan, sekumpulan pensyarah dan mahasiswa Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) telah menginovasikan penghasilan kufi dalam tempoh masa yang singkat dan berkualiti.  

Smart Partnership between UMP and KBS to benefit Malaysian Youths

Putrajaya, 13 December – Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) has closed the deal with Ministry of Youth and Sports (KBS) in offering academic program for the Malaysian youth. Besides UMP, KBS also has signed memorandum of understanding with industry and other university in an event held at KBS office in Putrajaya.

Through this MoU, UMP will provide a course for the ILKBS diploma holder or equivalent to further their studies in engineering, engineering technology, computer sciences, applied sciences and technology management programmes.

Smart Partnership between UMP and KBS to benefit Malaysian Youths

Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) has closed the deal with Ministry of Youth and Sports (KBS) in offering academic program for the Malaysian youth. Besides UMP, KBS also has signed memorandum of understanding with industry and other university in an event held at KBS office in Putrajaya.

Through this MoU, UMP will provide a course for the ILKBS diploma holder or equivalent to further their studies in engineering, engineering technology, computer sciences, applied sciences and technology management programmes.

Facelift UMP baik pulih rumah semarak aktiviti kemasyarakatan

Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) tidak hanya menumpukan kepada peranan utamanya sebagai sebagai sebuah universiti teknikal untuk melahirkan cendikiawan tersohor, namun turut mengerakkan kerja-kerja kemasyarakatan dalam kalangan warganya.

Naib Canselor UMP, Prof. Dato’ Ts. Dr. Daing Nasir Ibrahim berkata, sebagai sebuah menara gading yang melewati parameternya, UMP menggerakkan kerja-kerja amal melalui projek Universiti Komuniti dan inisiatif MyGift secara besar-besaran dalam memasyarakatkan universiti menerusi pengetahuan dan teknologi.

Kunjungan FKP ke Universiti Indonesia jalin kerjasama antarabangsa

Yogyakarta (Indonesia) - Hasil kerjasama Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) dengan dua institusi pendidikan di Indonesia iaitu  Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) dan Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta (UTY) bakal memanfaatkan ketiga-tiga universiti ini dalam bidang penyelidikan, program mobiliti pelajar serta cadangan penawaran program joint degree. 

iMEC-APCOMS 2017 - Taking the Factories to the Next Level


Nearly 100 participants from local and abroad get together for International Manufacturing Engineering Conference – Asia Pacific Conference on Manufacturing Systems  (iMEC-APCOMS) 2017. This year, the main theme address about “Taking the Factories to the Next Level.”

This is the 2nd collaboration of joint conference hosted by Faculty of Manufacturing Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) and Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) and was held at Eastparc Hotel Yogyakarta, Indonesia.