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Prof. Madya Dr. Tan Suat Hian hasilkan produk Pro-GoLive: Multi-Probiotic

GAMBANG, 20 Mei 2021 - Penyelidik dan pensyarah Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi Industri (FSTI), Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), Profesor Madya Dr. Tan Suat Hian, 38, telah menghasilkan produk Pro-GoLive: Multi-Probiotic.

Menurut anak kelahiran Kelantan itu, produk ini paling baik dihasilkan menggunakan agen pengkapsulan iaitu maltodekstrin yang dikeringkan secara semburan pada 100 °C dengan kepekatan awal sel sebanyak 4 gram.  

“Proses ini mampu memberikan 40 peratus hasil produk yang dianggap tinggi.

Ts. Dr. Lee Khai Loon creates specially designed chalet management system for hotel industry

A lecturer from the Faculty of Industrial Management (FPI), Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), Ts. Dr. Lee Khai Loon, 34, has created a research product called ChaMs.

According to the Penangite, ChaMS is a chalet management system based on a special design for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the hotel industry.

“This software is easy to use and involves low cost and affordable for SMEs.

“It is also user friendly and only requires minimal computer skills.

Ts. Dr. Khairil Azman hasilkan NanoPearm tingkatkan keupayaan bitumen untuk turapan jalan raya

GAMBANG, 6 Mei 2021 - Anak kelahiran Kuching, Sarawak, Ts. Dr. Khairil Azman Masri, 33, telah menghasilkan Nanopearm - Nanosilica Modified Asphalt Binder iaitu produk berasaskan bahan nano dan bitumen untuk meningkatkan keupayaan dan ketahanan bitumen.

Menurut pensyarah Kolej Kejuruteraan (KKEJ), Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) ini, silika nano dalam saiz 10 hingga 15 nanometer digunakan sebagai bahan campuran di dalam bitumen.

Associate Professor Ts. Dr. Norhayati invents water treatment process using resin

GAMBANG, 6 April 2021 - A lecturer from the Faculty of Chemical & Process Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), Associate Professor Ts. Dr. Norhayati Abdullah, 42, conducted research on the water treatment process using resin.

The research project titled Ion Exchange Resin for Innovative Water Treatment System started in 2014 and completed in 2017.

“Resin is a medium designed specifically for certain ion exchange processes in water bodies.

Profesor Madya Ts. Dr. Norhayati cipta proses rawatan air menggunakan resin

GAMBANG, 6 April 2021 - Penyelidik dan Pensyarah Fakulti Teknologi Kejuruteraan Kimia dan Proses (FTKKP), Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), Profesor Madya Ts. Dr. Norhayati Abdullah, 42, telah menjalankan penyelidikan mengenai proses rawatan air menggunakan resin.

Projek penyelidikan yang bertajuk Ion Exchange Resin for Innovative Water Treatment System itu telah bermula sejak tahun 2014 dan siap sepenuhnya pada tahun 2017.

UMP and General Operations Force (GOF) Southeast Brigade in utilising expertise and innovation

PEKAN, 25 March 2021 - Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) shares expertise in technology and innovation with the General Operations Force (GOF) Southeast Brigade in creating tools that can help security forces carry out their duties and responsibilities more efficiently.

In conjunction with the 214th Police Day Celebration recently, UMP received a visit from the GOF delegation and more importantly, the collaboration was sealed between UMP and GOF.

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