50 students engage in Workshop Enhanced by Web-Based Language Tools
PEKAN, 19 October 2023 - In an era where digital literacy and proficiency in online learning resources are essential, “Language Leap: Mastering English with Web Wizards” was conducted to bridge the gap and empower students to make effective use of web-based tools for language learning.
The event, which was conducted at the Faculty of Languages and Communication (FBK), Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA), Gong Badak Campus in Terengganu, aligns with the Profesor Turun Padang agenda, a university-wide effort to engage with the local community that creates opportunities for mutual learning and growth.
The trainer was our very own Centre for Modern Languages (CML) staff, Associate Profesor Dr. Zuraina Ali, assisted by four fellow CML associates who facilitated the training session: Dr. Ezihaslinda Ngah, Dr. Ruhil Amal Azmuddin, Siti Norzaimalina Abd Majid, and Zarina Mohd Ali.
The workshop was conducted on 19 October from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. and attended by 50 students who are currently pursuing their Bachelor of English with Communication.
This allows the opportunity to introduce CML’s postgraduate programmes, such as the Master of Science in Technology-Integrated Language Studies (MSc.TILS), which is a coursework program in CML, to the final semester students from that faculty.
Through engagement with the broader community and academic institutions, the workshop increased the visibility of CML faculty members.
This visibility, in turn, can lead to greater contributions to educational initiatives, invitations for subsequent workshop series, and collaborations in research and publications between academic staff from CML and FBK.
The workshop not only serves as an essential promotion for the MSc.TILS programme, but also aligns with the broader goals of community engagement and educational development, showcasing CML’s commitment to nurturing excellence in language education and teaching.
By: Dr. Ruhil Amal Azmuddin and Associate Profesor Dr. Zuraina Ali, Centre for Modern Languages