Naufal Hazmi, UMPSA graduate, now a Compliance and Quality Control Engineer
GAMBANG, 26 October 2024 – The 19th Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) Convocation Ceremony created sweet memories for Naufal Hazmi Azhar, 25, as he is now working as a Compliance and Quality Control Engineer at TYCO, Site Texas Instrumental 2, in Melaka.
He is also proud that he and three of his family members are UMPSA graduates.
“I feel very proud and emotional because a total of six family members, including myself, are alumni of one of the country’s top technology universities.
“It started with my father, Azhar Wahab, who was also a UMPSA staff member and retired in 2023.
“What makes me even prouder is that my brother and sister-in-law are graduates from the Faculty of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Technology (FTKMA) in 2018,” he shared.
Meanwhile, his sister graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering Technology (FTKA) in 2021.
“My youngest sibling has just registered to further study at UMPSA,” he added.
Naufal acknowledged the importance of parental support in achieving success.
“My deepest gratitude goes to them,” he said with a smile.
During his time at the university, Naufal was active in volunteer activities and cultural clubs, participating in Expoconvo UMPSA, community service at elderly care homes, and being involved in the Waris Theatre Club.
In the Waris Theatre Club, he played various roles, including as an actor and theatre director for the play ‘Teater Juta-Juta’.
He also handled technical lighting for Konsert Melankolis 1.0 and 2.0, and participated as part of the choir team during the 18th UMPSA Convocation Ceremony in 2023.
By: Siti Nur Azwin Zulkapri, Centre for Corporate Communications
Translation by: Dr. Rozaimi Abu Samah, Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering Technology