Congratulations MScTILS Graduates!
Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) celebrated the 16th Convocation Ceremony from 6 August to 9 August 2022 in the Sports Hall, UMP Gambang Campus. A total of 4,083 graduates for 2021 comprising doctoral and master’s graduands (280), bachelor’s (2,235) and diploma graduands (506), and UMP Advanced graduands (1,062) received degrees and diplomas.
UMP Pro-Chancellor, Tan Sri Dato’ Sri (Dr.) Abi Musa Asa’ari Mohamed Nor officiated the award of degrees and excellence awards to a total of 942 master’s and doctoral degree recipients as well as 24 awards and prizes of excellence in conjunction with the Convocation Ceremony held on 6 August 2022.
Among the master’s degree recipients on the first day of the Convocation Ceremony were our very first batch of Master of Science in Technology-Integrated Language Studies (MScTILS) graduates. They are Ahmad Mahfuz bin Mohamed Anuar, Khairun Nisa binti Abdul Halim and Nurul Atikah binti Mustafa. It was a proud and long-awaited moment for them, and for the Centre for Modern Languages (CML). MScTILS is a master by coursework programme, which has received full accreditation from Malaysia Qualification Agency (MQA) since July 2021, and it centres on technology integration and enhancement in the context of teaching and learning of language and applied linguistics, with 40 credits, offered in full-time and part-time modes. The compulsory courses include Technology in Language Studies, Language Awareness, Web-based Tools in Language Studies, Research Methodology, Language Planning and Policy, Instructional Design, Technology-enhanced Language Learning Task, Language Learning Processes, and Final Project. The programme also offers a range of elective courses such as English for Specific Purposes and Learner Diversity. For the Final Project, Ahmad Mahfuz carried out a study on “Perception on the Use of Coggle in Malaysian University English Test (MUET) Writing”, Nurul Atikah on “Effects of Noticing Model Texts Using the Translanguaging Approach on L2 Learners’ Syntactic Awareness in Multimodal Texts”, and Khairun Nisa researched on “The use of Jigsaw reading method for teaching and learning of literary texts in a secondary girl school.” For more information on the programme, you may visit our website: PROGRAMME BY COURSEWORK (
TILS01 students, Ahmad Mahfuz bin Mohamed Anuar and Khairun Nisa binti Abdul Halim, are English language teachers with more than ten years of experience teaching learners in secondary schools. Nurul Atikah binti Mustafa is an English lecturer in Kolej Poly-Tech MARA, Kuantan. This first batch joined as part-time students and completed all courses in 2 years and 6 months. Being part-time students, they took a maximum of 6 or 9 credits in one long semester and 3 credits in a short semester. According to Nurul Atikah, this programme was exciting and dynamic and helped her discover and apply research concepts in the field of language studies. She continued, “We live in a digital world, so technology with theories of learning can aid in education successfully.” Khairunnisa viewed that the programme has a combination of technology relatable to her teaching profession. In addition, she claimed that she had learnt and applied a lot of theories and applications that are very suitable for her students especially during the COVID-19 pandemic where they had to teach and learn using diverse online platforms.
It is hoped that all TILS01 graduates will be more successful in their future. Congratulations!
The writer is a Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Modern Languages, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP).