UMPSA residents enliven Khatam al-Quran Ceremony and World #QuranHour
GAMBANG, 4 April 2024 – A total of 150 staff of Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) graced the Khatam al-Quran and World #QuranHour Ceremony which took place at the UMPSA Mosque of the Gambang Campus recently.
The programme which began at 9.00 am was preceded by the Khatam al-Quran Ceremony led by the UMPSA Islamic Affairs Officer, Muhammad Sallehudin Md Derus who is also the secretariat for the Ihya Ramadan 2024 programme.
The opening ceremony was officiated by the Dean of the Centre for Human Sciences (PSK), Dr. Mohamad Hilmi Mat Said.
“Without realising it, we are only five days away from celebrating the month of victory, which is 1 Syawal 1445H and Allah SWT still grants us long life until now.
“With the blessing of the recitation of the Quran, may we be pleased and forgiven by Allah SWT in the month of Ramadan which opens the widest door of forgiveness and mercy.
“This event aims to diversify the religious programmes for UMPSA residents so that it can be practised in daily life.
“This event also realises the UMPSA agenda to generate human development in line with UMPSA’s core values of a Strong Bond with the Creator,” he said.
Also present were the Director of the Islamic and Human Development Centre (PIMPIN), Associate Professor Dr. Rashidi Abbas and the Director of the University Health Centre (PKU), Dr. Khairul Salleh Abdul Basit.
The ceremony continued with tadabbur of surah al-Asr delivered by Senior Lecturer, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Associate Professor Dr. Sukki Othman.
World #QuranHour 1445H interacts with surah al-Asr which explains the importance of time in carrying out work to staff.
This ensures staff never procrastinate.
The World #QuranHour programme celebrated every year is an initiative to encourage people to interact with the Quran to always read, understand and practice it.
By: Siti Nurfarmy Ibrahim, Centre for Corporate Communications
Translation by: Dr. Rozaimi Abu Samah, Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering Technology