51 UMPSA students will contest in 2023/2024 Campus Election
GAMBANG, 15 December 2023 – The process of nominating candidates for the Students’ Representative Council (MPP) of Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) Session 2023/2024 went well and saw a total of 51 students contesting for 27 seats, namely eight general seats and 19 faculty seats in the 2023/2024 Campus Election Session.
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs & Alumni), Professor Ts. Dr. Mohd Rusllim Mohamed as the Chairman of the 2023/2024 MPP Selection Steering Committee was present to officiate the programme held at the University Sports Complex, UMPSA Gambang Campus.
In his speech, he expressed his gratitude to the students, all parties and members of the Organising Committee, Steering Committee, Audit and Appeal Committee of the 2023/2024 MPP Selection which also helped the nomination session this time.
“The Campus Election is an important platform to inculcate the spirit of democracy among students while providing opportunities for them to develop leadership and governance skills.
“This Campus Election is a healthy activity and can provide learning opportunities for students.
“In addition to learning to be a leader, students have the opportunity to learn about election procedures through voting, be exposed to campaigning practices and most importantly have the opportunity to choose their respective leaders freely and anonymously,” he said.
He added that the 2023/2024 MPP will be given greater power to move independently and play a more active role in leading students towards excellence in line with the desire of the university and the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) to enliven the student empowerment agenda.
“Insya-Allah, we would like to see the MPP Selection Committee move completely on its own with minimal assistance and guidance from the staff for the MPP election next year.
“We will give our students full accountability and trust for them to oversee the administrative and organisational management patterns they want.
“To all candidates, use the platform provided and lead all students according to the references and guidelines in line with the university’s recommendations,” he said.
Of the 27 seats, three were uncontested, namely two seats for the Faculty of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Technology (FTKMA) and one seat for the Centre for Mathematical Sciences (PSM).
The polling day for the Students’ Representative Council Election or Campus Election will be held on 21 December 2023 (Thursday) on both campuses.
By: Nur Ainaa Adhreena Muhamad Shukri, Centre for Corporate Communications
Translation by: Dr. Rozaimi Abu Samah, Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering Technology