Countdown to the 4th International Conference on Language Learning and Teaching 2024 (ICOLLT)
PEKAN, 23 April 2024 - More than 200 participants will be expected to join the 4th International Conference on Language Learning and Teaching 2024 (ICOLLT) that will be held on 20th and 21st May 2024 at Perdana Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.
The ICOLLT 4.0 will be hosted by the Centre for Modern Languages, Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) with co-organisers from Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and HCMC University of Technology and Education, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Being the 4th conference held by the centre, this year’s motto “Embracing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Teaching and Learning of Languages” looks forward to receiving participants and presenters from various backgrounds from over 5 countries.
The program director Associate Professor Dr. Noor Raha Mohd Radzuan hopes that the ICOLLT 4.0 will provide opportunities for educators, practitioners, and teachers to discuss how to embed the SDGs into language classrooms in making teaching & learning more meaningful.
The conference will kickstart its program with a plenary session entitled “Fostering Intercultural Competence: Leveraging Language Diversity for Sustainable Development”.
This session will be given by Dr. Nguyen Vu Thuy Tien, from HCMUTE, Dr. Ikmi Nur Oktovianti from UAD and Assoc Prof Dr Nik Aloesnita Nik Mohd Alwi, from UMPSA.
The invaluable insights from three scholars from three countries in ASEAN region will be much sought after to shed some light on the current development in language learning and teaching environments in their respective countries.
On the other hand, the invited Keynote Speaker, Professor Dr. Faizah Abd Majid will be presenting her keynote address on “English Lessons as a Platform for SDGs Acceleration: Exploring the Learning Design Opportunities for Universal Literacy”.
Professor Dr. Faizah is a distinguished professor at the Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia with renowned research interests in Teacher Education, Higher Education, and Adult Education.
For more information, do visit our website at or our centre’s Tiktok account @pbmumpsa for the latest updates.
By: Dr. Ruhil Amal Azmuddin And Khairul Amri Abdul Aziz, Centre for Modern Languages