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Impak pelaksanaan PEMERKASA PLUS dalam menghadapi PKP 3.0
Impak pelaksanaan PEMERKASA PLUS dalam menghadapi PKP 3.0

Pada 31 Mei 2021 baru-baru ini, Yang Amat Berhormat Perdana Menteri Ma

Forum Falsafah Seni Silat Dalam Kehidupan ubah persepsi masyarakat
Forum Falsafah Seni Silat Dalam Kehidupan ubah persepsi masyarakat

PEKAN, 23 Mei 2021 – Falsafah Seni Silat Dalam Kehidupan yang merupaka

Ts. Dr. Farhan first woman appointed as technical panel member of fatwa by Muslim Professional Japan Association (MPJA)
Ts. Dr. Farhan first woman appointed as technical panel member of fatwa by Muslim Professional Japan Association (MPJA)

GAMBANG, 27 May 2021 - The Halal Assurance and Halal Certification Man

Finswimming: A Contemporary Water Sport to Discover in Malaysia
Finswimming: A Contemporary Water Sport to Discover in Malaysia

Finswimming is a speed competition sport practiced at the surface or u

Meminati bidang teknikal, Zek Aman mampu cipta dron
Meminati bidang teknikal, Zek Aman mampu cipta dron

PEKAN, 12 Mei 2021 - Sering kali kita melihat ramai yang menjadikan pe

Associate Professor Dr. produces Pro-GoLive: Multi-Probiotic
Associate Professor Dr. Tan Suat Hian produces Pro-GoLive: Multi-Probiotic

GAMBANG, 20 May 2021 - A researcher and lecturer from the Faculty of I