FTKPM shares expertise with Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK students
PADANG, INDONESIA, 11 August 2023 - Staff and students from the Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering and Mechatronics Technology (FTKPM), Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA), recently organized a community service programme with students from Universitas Putra Indonesia, Yayasan Perguruan Tinggi Komputer (YPTK).
A total of 12 participants, including five staff members and seven UMPSA students, took part in the community service programme.
The delegation, led by Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs, Ts. Dr. Muhammed Nafis Osman Zahid, was welcomed by the Programme Coordinator of Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK, Dr. Nanang Fatchurrohman, along with their students and lecturers.
According to Ts. Dr. Muhammed Nafis, the programme involved two modules: a basic course on 3D design and 3D printer technology.
"The Basic 3D Design Course involved the participation of small and medium-sized industrial entrepreneurs there to introduce them to virtual design technology based on computers.
"On the other hand, the Basic 3D Printer Technology Course aimed to involve secondary school students to enhance their interest in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
"This three-day programme also included the participation of high school students from SMA Negeri 5 Padang and small and medium-sized industrial entrepreneurs (IKS) from Kampung Akrilik, RW 02, Berok, Kelurahan Gunung Pangilun," he said.
He hoped that this community service programme could serve as a catalyst for more collaborative projects and cooperation between UMPSA and YPTK on an international level in the future.
At the same time, there were also friendly activities between FTKPM students and UPI, YPTK students.
This exposure provided UMPSA students with the opportunity to gain socio-cultural and economic experiences within the community there.
By: Nadira Hana Ab Hamid, Faculty of Manufacturing and Mechatronic Engineering Technology
Translation by: Aminatul Nor Mohamed Said, UMP Career Centre (UMPCC)