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Patriotic spirit and knowledge for SISPA Cadet Corps Officer to get ready

PAYA BESAR, 7 November 2021 - The patriotic spirit and provision of knowledge gave confidence to Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) cadet officer Siti Nuratiqah Syafiqah Muhamad Haslizan to continue to be ready to serve and contribute to the community and country.

She is a Bachelor of Applied Science in Industrial Chemistry with Honours student who was named the Best Cadet Officer of UMP in conjunction with the 12th Civil Defence Student Corps (SISPA Corps) National Commissioning Ceremony in 2021 recently.

870 SISPA Corps Cadet Officer receives Second Lieutenant commissioning

KUANTAN, 7 November 2021 – A total of 870 SISPA Corps Cadet Officers from 24 Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and one Institute of Teacher Education (IPG) received commissioning as Junior Lieutenants (PA) in conjunction with the 12th Civil Defence Student Corps (SISPA Corps) National Commissioning Ceremony 2021.

1,528 new students are now part of UMP family

KUANTAN, 8 October 2021 - A total of 1,528 new students who registered to study at the bachelor’s degree level at Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) for the 2021/2022 academic session are now a part of the large UMP family.

The UMP’s large family consists of university board members, management, lecturers, field experts, researchers, administrators, students and alumni.

3 twin pairs share joy selected to enter UMP

PEKAN, 9 October 2021 – Three twin pairs shared their joy after being selected to continue their studies during the registration of new students for the 2021/2022 Academic Session at Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP). 

The presence of the twins stole the spotlight during Student Induction Week (MINDS) which was held online via UMPMalaysia’s Facebook recently. 

Interested in Engineering Programme, students choose UMP

PEKAN, 1 August 2021 - Due to his deep interest in Mechanical Engineering, Aqil Danish Ady Azrul, 18, asked a lot of questions to get feedback about the programme and find information about the universities that offer the programme.

From that point, he dreamed that he could become a student of Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) one day.

He did not expect his dream to continue his study at UMP to come true. 

Minat Program Kejuruteraan pelajar pilih UMP

  1. PEKAN, 1 Ogos 2021 - Minat yang mendalam dalam bidang Kejuruteraan Mekanikal menjadikan Aqil Danish Ady Azrul, 18, banyak bertanya, mendapatkan maklum balas tentang program dan mencari maklumat tentang universiti yang menawarkan program ini.

Bermula dari situlah beliau memasang impian agar suatu hari nanti dapat bergelar mahasiswa Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP).

Beliau sama sekali tidak menyangka kini impiannya untuk menyambung pengajian di UMP menjadi kenyataan. 

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