Universiti Malaysia Pahang is looking forward to work closely with Thailand academic institutions in areas of academic network programme, focusing on UMP dual degree with German academic institutions and students exchange programme between UMP and universities in T
Putrajaya, 13 December – Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) has closed the deal with Ministry of Youth and Sports (KBS) in offering academic program for the Malaysian youth. Besides UMP, KBS also has signed memorandum of understanding with industry and other university in an event held at KBS office in Putrajaya.
Through this MoU, UMP will provide a course for the ILKBS diploma holder or equivalent to further their studies in engineering, engineering technology, computer sciences, applied sciences and technology management programmes.
Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) has closed the deal with Ministry of Youth and Sports (KBS) in offering academic program for the Malaysian youth. Besides UMP, KBS also has signed memorandum of understanding with industry and other university in an event held at KBS office in Putrajaya.
Through this MoU, UMP will provide a course for the ILKBS diploma holder or equivalent to further their studies in engineering, engineering technology, computer sciences, applied sciences and technology management programmes.
Kuantan, 28th October – Faculty of Engineering Technology (FTK) organized the 5th International Young Researchers Workshop On River Basin Environment and Management which managed to attract 55 young researchers from Malaysia, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and Nepal.
A total of 32 papers were presented with the focus on river management and environmental in a workshop held at Swiss Garden Resort, Kuantan recently.
Pekan, 17 Oktober- Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) melakar sejarah apabila menandatangani Memorandum Persefahaman (MoU) dengan Jabatan Penjara Malaysia dalam pengurusan Produk MyPride iaitu produk yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak Jabatan Penjara Malaysia.