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Ir. Dr. Chin Siew Choo produces sustainable construction material OHE-Crete

A researcher from the Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), Ir. Dr. Chin Siew Choo produced sustainable construction material, namely OHE-Crete. 

According to the Negeri Sembilan-born, OHE- means green in the Hawaiian language. 

“Therefore, OHE-Crete refers to green concrete that uses bamboo fibres to produce sustainable construction material.

Donation for students from the compound collections

Pekan, 21 October 2020 - The Security Division, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), handed over a contribution of RM1,956 as part of the payment of compounds and fines due to violating traffic rules and road discipline on campus for students.

This donation is utilized by students through donations to UMP Food Pantry to help the welfare of students who need it at this university.

Suara UMP - Library collaboration in dissemination of knowledge

Pekan, 14 October 2020 – The collaboration between SUARA UMP and UMP Library has become the catalyst in disseminating knowledge in an effort to cultivate the reading attitude in the community.
According to UMP Chief Librarian, Azman Abdul Rahim, UMP Library itself will not be able to provide reading materials such as books, newspapers, magazines and others, to cater to the public need for knowledge, without the supplies from publishing centre. 

UMP launches alumni card as a token of gratitude

Gambang 19 October 2020 - Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) launched an alumni card for all its alumni by offering various benefits as a token of gratitude. 

With this card, alumni will receive the benefits and facilities of Touch & Go card, UMP Library services, discounts from the Office of SUARA UMP, KoopMart UMP, and Bangsawan Picture, and many more.

Ir. Dr. Chin Siew Choo hasilkan bahan binaan lestari OHE-Crete

Penyelidik dari Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam, Kolej Kejuruteraan, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), Ir. Dr. Chin Siew Choo telah menghasilkan satu bahan binaan lestari iaitu OHE-Crete. 
Menurut anak kelahiran Negeri Sembilan ini, OHE- bermaksud hijau dalam bahasa Hawaii. 
“Oleh itu, OHE-Crete merujuk kepada konkrit hijau yang menggunakan serat (fiber) buluh untuk menghasilkan produk bahan binaan yang lestari.

Bilik 24 jam tawar keselesaan pembelajaran sepanjang masa

Bilik 24 Jam di Perpustakaan Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) merupakan ruang yang paling popular dalam kalangan pelajar UMP. 

Perpustakaan telah memperoleh banyak cadangan agar bilik ini perlu ditambah baik untuk kegunaan pengguna terutama semasa minggu ulang kaji dan musim peperiksaan. 

Selaras dengan itu, Perpustakaan telah berjaya memohon agar ruang terbabit segera dibuat penambahbaikan yang sejajar dengan perkembangan semasa sama ada di Kampus Pekan atau Gambang. 

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