40 UMP staff and students visited Al Hijrah TV station to learn more about broadcasting
In a move to further strengthen the branding campaign of Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), the Vice-Chancellor Office (PNC) organised a trip to the Al Hijrah television station on January 15, 2019.
Forty staff and students took part in the trip organised under the ‘Kembara Ilmu’ programme aimed at establishing cooperation and forged closer ties with television stations in the country.
It was also to explore opportunities to promote UMP among the media companies which served as a medium in disseminating information to the public.
According to Corporate Communication Senior Executive, Mimi Rabita Abd Wahit, the staff involved in the trip comprised those in the broadcasting, publishing and new media units.
“By sharing their skills and knowledge with our staff, we hope the skills and knowledge learned can be applied in the university.
“In fact, UMP has already started its own UMPTV broadcasting which serves as a medium where information on the developments in campus and the university’s accomplishments are channelled.
“To date, UMPTV broadcasts latest news on publication and a talk show with the audience in the social media – Facebook UMPMalaysia. These are conducted with the support and cooperation of the Centre for Modern Languages & Human Sciences (CMLHS),” she said.
She added that with the experience gained from the trip, it was hoped that the staff and students would have ideas on how to manage a live show.
CMLHS senior language teacher Hajah Noor Azlinda Zainal Abidin said she was fortunate to be given the opportunity to be part of the programme.
“There are a lot to learn and benefit from the programme and at the same, the university can form ties with those outside of the campus.
“One unforgettable experience was the chance to be part of the Pink Point show produced by Al Hijrah TV, together with the host Norazidah Mohamed and popular personality, Datin Fouziah Gous and her husband Datuk Zhafran Yusof. The topic was ‘Finicky’ or ‘Perfectionist’,” she added.
On the ‘Kembara Ilmu’ programme, Hajah Nor Azlinda said she hoped that it would continue to be held in the future because there were so many things that could be learned and benefitted by UMP staff.
“At the same time, the programme helped to foster closer ties among the staff and undergraduates,” she added.
The participants also got to visit the Nasyrul Quran Complex which was the second biggest al-Quran printing factory in the world after the King Fahd al-Quran Printing Centre in Madinah.
Located in Putrajaya, the complex is a centre where various copies of the holy book from around the world are collected. It is also a centre for research and exhibition.