UMPSA and Pahang State Government Study the Feasibility of Constructing Spur Line for ECRL
KUANTAN, 3 August 2023 - Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA), through the Institute of Civilization and Strategic Studies (ITKAS), is set to conduct a Feasibility Study for the Construction of the Spur Line of the East Coast Rail Link (ECRL) Project in Pahang. The study is a collaboration between UMPSA and the Pahang State Government's Economic Planning Unit (BPEN).
Recently, the acceptance letter for the study was handed over by the Chief Operating Officer of UMP Holdings, Mr. Syed Alwi Mohamed Sultan to the Deputy Secretary of State (Development), BPEN Pahang, Yang Hormat Dato' Ali Syahbana Sabaruddin with a total research grant value of RM 350,000.00 for a ten-month study period.
According to Dato' Ali Syahbana, the areas involved in the proposed construction of the ECRL spur line are Pekan, Raub, Lipis, and Rompin districts.
"UMPSA is tasked with conducting a comprehensive study on whether this ECRL spur line construction project can have a significant impact on the local and overall economy of Pahang.
"BPEN will continuously monitor the progress of this study," he said.
Meanwhile, Mr. Syed Alwi expressed gratitude for the trust and opportunity given by BPEN to UMPSA in determining the effectiveness of the ECRL spur line construction project.
He mentioned that through UMP Holdings, a subsidiary of UMPSA, they will assist the research team in achieving all the study objectives.
In the meantime, Associate Professor Dr. Hasan stated that this study would involve several responsible centres and faculties, including ITKAS, the Faculty of Civil Engineering Technology (FTKA), and the Faculty of Industrial Management (FPI).
"We have also identified the expertise of researchers involved to align with the requirements of this study.
"ITKAS will always explore opportunities to collaborate with the Pahang State Government in various fields that contribute to the sustainable development of the state as a whole," he said.
Also present were Deputy Senior Vice President of Business Development at UMP Holdings, Mr. Syed Ezanee Zulfakhri Syed Muthalib, Director of ITKAS, Associate Professor Dr. Hasan Ahmad, Project Coordinator, Professor Dr. Othman Che Puan, and Senior Lecturer of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Technology, Ir. Dr. Azhani Zukri.
Representing BPEN were the Division Secretary, Yang Mulia Tengku Dato' Nor Asmaliza Ku Lah, Assistant Secretary General, Azrul Bakhtiar, and Assistant Secretary General, Muhammad Helmi Derus.
By: Muhammad Hafiz Aswad Ahmad Kamal, Institute of Civilisation and Strategic Studies (ITKAS)
Translation by: Aminatul Nor Mohamed Said, UMP Career Centre (UMPCC)