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UMP–MARA collaboration pioneers Halal Gelatin Project
UMP–MARA collaboration pioneers Halal Gelatin Project

Kuala Lumpur, 30 September 2020 - The country’s first halal gelatin pr

UMP Advanced hargai 17 staf cemerlang
UMP Advanced hargai 17 staf cemerlang

Kuantan, 25 September 2020 - UMP Advanced Education (UMP Advanced) men

UMP students continue their studies online, postpone entering campus
UMP students continue their studies online, postpone entering campus

Pekan, 5 October 2020 - Concerned about the current situation with the

PIMPIN to cultivate prolific writers
PIMPIN to cultivate prolific writers

Kuantan, 28 September 2020 - To improve skills in the field of writing

Dream become reality
Dream become reality

Growing up with the view of a university, it has always been Muhammad

Patriotism Level Nowadays
Patriotism Level Nowadays

Adik, let’s put Jalur Gemilang in front of our hous