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UMP researchers produce antidandruff shampoo from herbal plant extracts
UMP researchers produce antidandruff shampoo from herbal plant extracts

Kuantan, 28 August 2020 - Problems with itchy scalp, dandruff and hair

UMP and MTNP seal collaboration in Ulul Albab Certification Programme
UMP and MTNP seal collaboration in Ulul Albab Certification Programme

Pekan, 19 August 2020 - Students from the tahfiz stream do not have to

20 students gain knowledge about coral reefs and ecosystem
20 students gain knowledge about coral reefs and ecosystem

Kuantan, 21 August 2020 - For the first time, the Co-curriculum Centre

Kesan Covid-19 Kepada Pelajar UMP: Satu Kajian Ringkas
Kesan Covid-19 Kepada Pelajar UMP: Satu Kajian Ringkas

Pandemik Covid-19 telah mendidik rakyat Malaysia untuk hidup dalam nor

Pelajar SKIS teruja terima sumbangan Yayasan UMP
Pelajar SKIS teruja terima sumbangan Yayasan UMP

Pekan 26 Ogos 2020 - Perasaan gembira dan teruja jelas terpancar buat