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545 new students registered for diploma programme

Kuantan, 25 June – A total of 545 new diploma students registered for 2018/2019 academic session. About 70 per cent of the registered students are male students while 30 per cent are female students pursuing their studies at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FKM), Faculty of Computer System & Software Engineering (FSKKP), Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering (FKKSA), Faculty of Electrical & Electronis Engineering (FKEE) and the Faculty of Civil Engineering & Earth Resources Engineering (FKASA).

Passion for volunteerism

Kuantan, June 25 - The spirit of volunteerism need to be nurtured in every student. Educating and promoting the culture of volunteering are among the informal way of learning process to maturate an individual. 

At least, that is what Muhammad Alif Mahiddin, 24, a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering student at Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), thinks of his volunteerism activities.

Iftar preparation – It’s a UMP tradition!

Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) still maintains its Ramadhan tradition of preparing iftar together and offering them in huge trays for free to its staff and students who are breaking their fast at UMP mosques in Gambang and Pekan campus respectively. That particular memory will surely be etched forever in the minds of the alumni of the university during Ramadhan.

Aktiviti kesukarelawanan dekat di hati Muhammad Alif

Kuantan, 25 Jun - Semangat kesukarelawanan perlu dipupuk pada peringkat awal dalam diri setiap mahasiswa dan inilah antara proses pembelajaran secara tidak formal selain usaha untuk mematangkan diri mahasiswa.  

Demikian pandangan Muhammad Alif Mahiddin, 24, yang juga pelajar jurusan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Kimia di Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) mengenai aktiviti kesukarelawanan yang diceburinya.

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