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UMP laksana ibadah korban dan akikah, 7 ekor lembu disembelih

PAYA BESAR, 15 Julai 2022   –  Seperti kelaziman saban tahun dalam kemeriahan menyambut sambutan Hari Raya Aidiladha, Pusat Islam dan Pembangunan Insan (PIMPIN), Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) turut menganjurkan Program Ibadah Korban dan Akikah 1443H  di Masjid UMP kampus Gambang.

Menurut Pengarah PIMPIN, Profesor Madya Dr. Rashidi Abbas, pihaknya bersyukur kerana dapat melaksanakan Program Korban dan Akikah pada tahun ini. 

Embrace 4 cultures and student solidarity in new MPP leadership

PAYA BESAR, 11 January 2021 - The newly appointed Students’ Representative Council (MPP), Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) for the 2021/2022 session is recommended to pay serious attention to the fostering of a culture of wisdom, prosperity, respect, and love.

These can be implemented through various programmes and activities so that UMP continues to be harmonious with a conducive campus atmosphere for learning and unity.

50 sukarelawan pelajar timba pengalaman urus krisis

Kuantan,14 Mei 2020 - Pengorbanan seramai 50 pelajar Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) sebagai sukarelawan dalam membantu pengurusan universiti bagi mengendalikan kebajikan, keselamatan pelajar dan urusan penghantaran pelajar pulang ke kampung halaman setelah  lebih 40 hari tinggal di kampus ekoran pelaksanaan  Perintah Kawalan Pegerakan (PKP) pasti akan dikenang sepanjang hayat mereka.

Formation of New MPP Leadership Synergy

The newly elected Students’ Representative Council (MPP) of Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) will hopefully be able to use this opportunity as a platform to become a leader of calibre and progress forward.

The MPP has a role and responsibility in promoting the enrichment of a culture of happiness, contentment, respect, and humanity through various programmes and activities for UMP to stay harmonious and exuberant with a conducive campus environment towards studies and unity.

UMP honours staff, celebrates fellows completing studies

Eighteen years’ experience as a staff member at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) which later changed their name to Kolej Universiti Teknologi dan Kejuruteraan Malaysia (KUKTEM) and Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) was truly memorable for Nor Ashikin Abul Aziz who has now completed her service as a lecturer at the Centre for Modern Languages and retired at the age of 60 on 3 October 2019.

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